Jun 5, 2022

How long does it take to get from Panama City to San Blas?

40 minutes if you fly and close to 4 hours if you decide to go by land/water taxi transfer

Private flights from Albrook local terminal to San Blas islands:

They take no longer than 40 minutes and are operated by various local airlines specialized in customs flights within Panama. For more info you may check these three airlines and choose the one you most suited to your needs but do remember that you will have to land in Corazon de Jesus and that your arrival time will also be you departure time on checkout day. The catamaran will be anchored right next to the runway and you will need to pay $12/person tax to the indigenous upon landing.

Airlines flying to San Blas:

Does Air Panama Fly to the San Blas islands?

Road transfers from your hotel or residence in Panama City

They are handled by various local organizations with mostly licensed kuna indigenous drivers and staff. If you do a quick search on Google, you will find plenty of offers. We are fine with you using any of the available road transfers but be extremely careful with your choice because the service may be unreliable and not being picked up from your hotel, which believe us it happens quite a lot, would mean that you will lose one day of your catamaran charter, at least. We highly recommend speaking with Judy from Lam tours, she not only is fluent in English, but also has the means and experience needed to handle and adapt the road and water taxi transfers to your needs.

LAM tours

At this moment we cannot recommend any other land transfer company,

Check out the prices for both flying and road transfers here