Top 5 Reasons for Choosing a Catamaran Instead of a Monohull for Your Next Sailing Holidays
When embarking on a sailing vacation in the Caribbean or elsewhere, choosing the correct type of boat for your sailing charter is your first important mission and part of your basic planning.
Determining the correct boat for your next sailing vacations in San Blas is one of the first tasks you will have to go through while on the reservation process.
A monohull is a type of boat having only one hull, unlike multihulled boats such as catamarans which have two individual hulls connected to one another.

For years the rule was: the bigger the monohull boat, the more comfortable you would be on your sailing vacations, especially if you travel with kids or you do not have sailing experience. The appearance on the market of various brands of catamarans such as Lagoon and Fountaine Pajot was definitely a turning point in the sailing charter industry, and one that lead to disappearance of obsolete conceptions of what a good charter boat should be.
Let’s be clear: you are on a vacation in the San Blas islands with your friends or family, don’t have much or any sailing experience, you probably had to fly from your home country and lived through all the stress at the airports and necessary transfers to reach your final destination. You are in a different country with different language and customs and immersed in the process of getting adapted to the situation; the last thing you need is to board a sailing vessel that is not comfortable enough or for any reason not what you had expected. You are simply not up for a a regatta and need to relax, disconnect from all, enjoy the view, be comfortable and feel safe. You know your vacation will unfold once the right circumstances are present.

Catamaran Adventures San Blas is specialised in private catamaran sailing vacations in San Blas. These are the top reasons why choosing a catamaran instead of a monohull for sailing the San Blas islands might be the right choice for you and your family or friends.
Each of the cabins provided is separated both from the rest of the guests and from the crew. Some of our catamarans bear a fly bridge or semi-fly bridge which clearly keeps lounging and sailing areas separated, added to that is the existence of the rear cockpit that gives guests the privacy that does not exist in a traditional monohull.

Having 2 hulls means double the space. The layout of modern construction catamarans and recent developments in construction techniques have led to the appearance of boats that are more like floating condos with sails and that provide total comfort making them the perfect platform for your next holidays. Forget the typical cramped spaces and the usual bad smells from the nearby engines that monohulls provide.

Motion Sickness:
Catamarans are the best choice for those who tend to get seasick. Unlike monohulls, the two hulls compensate for any uncomfortable movement that can cause sea sickness.With catamarans you are freed from any type of uncomfortable situation while at sail or anchor.

Easy and Fast Sailing:
A faster boat is not only good for reaching the outer cays faster and easier, but also important for security reasons. Speed is needed if you don’t want to get caught in that squall you see on the horizon... San Blas has great weather almos all- year-round, but still, why would you want yo get caught by that local storm when you can sail away at 15 knots to another location with good weather?

Water toys:
San Blas sailing when approached correctly should not focus only on the sailing part. Unlike other destinations that are meant for sailors such as the BVI, USVI and Bahamas, the San Blas islands charters involve no open ocean passages of any kind unless requested and focus primarily on discovering the region at an easy pace with super mild easy conditions and very short sailing distances. The archipelago of San Blas has a huge outer reef that acts like a barrier for any bad weather and leaves flat water for our guest to enjoy. The more water toys on a catamaran the better. Space needed to store the needed water toys such as kayaks, paddle boards, sea bobs etc can only happen on catamarans and their huge decks. Carrying a decent amount of water toys on a monohull without blocking the much needed deck or cockpit space is just not possible.

We could go on and on about the benefits of sailing a catamaran in San Blas but for now we will just leave it there...
We love catamarans 💙 they make normal life at sea possible.
Make sure to check our catamarans for charter in San Blas.